Thursday, November 4, 2010

I need an animal print rug

I figured you need like 300 or so ornaments on a tree if you were to fill it all the way around. Now that I have to fill up my own tree since I am on my own sort of. When I get the chance I stay down there. I hadn't been there in a few weeks and I stayed there last night and when I got there around 9 it was 55 degrees in my house. So I turned the heat on and set it for 65 and it was actually pretty good. I sleep butt naked haha just joking no I sleep in shorts and a tee shirt and actually I sleep with my socks off which is crazy cause I hate feet, but the socks are like the last thing to come off and then I slip them under the covers all quick. You know I realized I barely move when I sleep. I move around I think like switching positions but as far as moving to one side or the other I think I pretty much stay put. My arm has been bothering me so I have been trying to get comfortable with that but normally I lay on my back like I am in a coffin with my arms crossed on my chest. I wonder if I look like I am dead when I am sleeping. So I have two pillows one next to the other but I don't think the other one gets much use. I decided for some reason to sleep on the right side, I think because that is where the alarm is. I only used two sheets last night and I was never cold so that is a good sign for the winter. Maybe I will get a rug like an animal pattern and sleep in front of the fire. That should be romantic, or pathetic since I am alone doing it. But I need the practice in case I ever have a girl over the first thing I will do when she is like can I use the bathroom- oh sure its right around the corner then I sprint to get the rug, then sprint to play the music, then sprint to turn the fireplace on and set the mood with the lighting, all before she comes out. Also I may light a candle, not because she will have taken a dump(hopefully she doesn't because that will ruin the mood) but to set the mood even more, plus I love the smell of the home sweet home Yankee candle. Look I am just running through some ideas in my head so it may or may not work out the way I see it. I just hope I don't get caught mid run because I don't think I can play that off. Then she will be like what are you doing and then I am like oh nothing just getting something to drink you want any sweet tea, also don't mind that cow rug laying there its nothing, man its dark in here. Do you smell that home sweet home. See I know it is risky but it could totally pay off. I was picturing something in my head and I remembered a video that used the whole rug fireplace scene. I know it's gay but it was 98 degrees. You may remember the video if your a girl or a loser guy but near the later part of the video is the rug scene. Now in this video the hot girl is lying on the rug but that will most likely be me trying to do a real sexy face to get her feeling it. Also they have like 80 candles lit but since this wont happen for years I will keep practicing and timing myself to see how long it takes. I would think it may take the girl like 2 mins so that isn't a lot of time but I will have to make it work. Also he proposes to her so we will see how the evening goes if I decide on that or not.

Things I need
1. A girl
2. A rug
3. Tons of candles
4. A sexy look to get the girl to buy into what I'm selling
5. An engagement ring
6. Music
7. Great lighting
8. Oil for me ( I like to glisten)

This post was going to be about my Christmas tree but I will talk about that later. I have a rug to look up and candles to buy. I am betting the girl will come last. Hahaha off to the mirror to get that look down.

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