Thursday, April 1, 2010

Avril and Leggy Blonde

So I like Avril Lavigne. Big whoooop. I think she is one of the better female pop stars- by the way I hate on pink but I think I have touched on that before in one of my blogs. Anyway I like Avril, skater boy was sweet, and on her album from a few years ago, which is a really good album by the way- don't hate cause I am sure you have not given it a listen because you are so high and mighty with your music taste. And you are also discovering artist like five years later to so I really don't take much from your opinion in music. So this is the song called hot- average verse, really catchy chorus, and she actually looks kinda hot in the video. I like when the models walk very unnatural with one foot way over the other foot when they walk, and she does a bit of that here. I never thought she looked that great but she does look alright here when she is in the green and black in the dressing room.

If you have not seen the show flight of the conchords, you need to catch up with that. I read that they made an announcement that they are done with the show but either way it was still a funny show. Here is a song from the show that I thought was pretty sweet. It's called leggy blonde.

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