Saturday, October 16, 2010

Affair is coming am I right?

So I am listening to this podcast from Dr. Chapman again and it is talking about infidelity. This guest author he had on his show- Dave Carter who wrote this book torn asunder, on how people first get in affairs and what you should do to avoid them. He goes into greater detail about how to save the marriage and all that sort of stuff but the thing that took me back was first that 40% of Christian marriages by the time one of the partners reaches forty will experience infidelity. The second is when Gary Chapman asked Dave how to deal with infidelity and feelings for it, he said that what he suggest to all of his couples that he works with is that anytime you get a feeling of attraction towards someone else you discuss it with your spouse. He said he felt jealous the first time his wife told him, but that it actually helped his marriage to discuss it. He says that feelings for others is a natural thing, connecting with others because we spend so much time with the other sex in our lives that we are bound to have feelings so don't deny it just be open about it.

I actually like this idea but I think it is out there because you have to be so honest and so respectful of the information. Your spouse is coming to you with something she knows you may get bitter about, yet she is trying to be up front so that nothing comes of it so you have to respect that, but man I would really have to bite my tongue but it may be what people are missing. Someone that is naturally jealous may not be able to handle this and then what. I don't know if I would even want to know but also I would want to do what is best for the marriage. Someone try it and let me know how that works out for you. Then when I finally get married at 50 I will have to then like another women and let my wife know. See what she has to say about it.

Hey I am being honest you have to respect that about me right. I mean look at her, she is hotter then you, how was I know supposed to fall for that. Look at her butt. Did I just go to far on the information?

He talked about how most people don't think they are going to have an affair but that you are naive if you think it could never happen to you. He went on to say that none of the people he has worked with actually thought that they would do this, but it just happens. Great!!!

I'm above it.

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