Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The list

There is a website that has list that people just make up. If you know me and I assume you do because I, wait why do I act like I have readers, the few people I knew were reading this one said they lost the website, the others are like I haven't checked it in awhile. I know I was busy and stopped writing but I like the outlet. I am working on the website really just writing things in a notebook and trying to get it where I want to be but I take a long time to get things where I want them and generally they pass me by so I have to learn to give a little I think . Anyway to me I guess, since I do entertain myself often, since I always laugh at my jokes, and since I don't get sick of hearing myself like most others do, I will continue. You know though I was thinking, the only people I am close to are the few who basically have to be because they are family. Everyone else I have either alienated or I want to be closer and they want nothing to do with me. Well I am never going to beg someone to talk to me, that is up to them, if I am that bad it's probably best we don't speak because well why would you want to. Your probably better off being entertained by whatever other people you already have in your life. I am sure they are fine. It's on me to just get over wanting to talk to those people. There are a few. Once I really settle into my house I will be such a loner, hopefully an incredible loner in my own head. There are things I want to do and just can't seem to focus. I get so easily distracted but when I have free time I really need to settle down and do it. I am lost right now, but anxious for something you know. People say it is sad how I live, and there are moments I agree with them, shutting myself off and not really knowing a connection with people, not at all, not knowing how to relate to people and understand them, but it is only sad when I try and fail so bad that they have to let me go and they just fade away and I just sit there in awe. But it's the price I have to pay for holding our for only people who inspire me. People I can't get enough of. So yes there are going to be plenty of sad moments for me, but in the end I think greatness is what I continue to hold out for. If only others were so willing to hold out for the same. I just look at you all and say- I am glad I don't have that- but if that is what you want then that is good for you. If only that makes you happy then you are lucky. It's like when you see a kid being entertained with just a block and they will go at it for 20 mins. Were like wtf? How can that still be fun for them. That is how most people are. You are with the block, and I am saying, how can that still be what you want? I only wish I was so simple. I'll wait and watch you all. Because your relationships keep me holding out for better. Thanks for that I guess. Thanks for being so plain and uninspiring that you actually do inspire me for much much better, keeping me thinking my relationships in all aspects of my life, family and love better be way way better then that.

Man I will go on a rant sometimes wtf? Anyway I was talking about lists which you all know I love. Anyway in another post yesterday maybe, I was talking about what girls look for in a guy. The site has girls just listing things they want so I will write some of them down. Ones I find interesting, even though most of them I am not. Here is one girls full list:

1. Kindness
2. Honesty
3. Respect
4. Humor
5. Intelligence
6. Imaginative
7. Affectionate
8. Adaptable
9. Ambitious
10. Non-Judgemental
11. Faithful
12. Tolerant
13. Trusting
14. Empathetic
15. Sincerity
16. Unique
17. Positive
18. Curious
19. Creative
20. Generous
21. Happy
22. Gentle
23. Patient
24. Considerate
25. Uninhibited
26. Helpful
27. Lighthearted
28. Talented
29. Spontaneous
30. Sexy
31. Clever
32. Observant
33. Resourceful
34. Adventurous
35. Enthusiastic
36. Dedicated
37. Persistent
38. Diplomatic
39. Inquisitive
40. Devoted to Family and Friends
41. Sober
42. Person with continuing spiritual growth
43. A man of God- she says here this is the most important quality in her list.

That is a really impressive list. Haha you all should go down the list and see what your guy has. I know for sure I have them all. Haha no I think I am missing a few or need to work on some. Maybe I will never date until I get this list down. I can say that because I don't ever date so if someone asks I can be like no I am working on this list. That way no girl will be able to resist. Also I will be 75 at the time but who cares right I will be sexy to the 70 year olds. I didn't want to say sexy but she had it on her list so I felt I needed to.

Here is another girls list not the full list, just things that stick out to me.
1. Is a Godly Man

2. Makes Me Laugh
3. I wake up just to spend the day with him!
12. accepts me with or without makeup
13. allows me to have plenty of freedom
14. is not jealous
15. is trusting
16. doesn’t have to drink to party
17. paves the way, rather than following others
22.loves my family

23. loves his family
24. wants a family
33. forms opinions and discusses them
43. can carry on a conversation

44. knows how to shut up and listen
45. is open-minded
46. is spirited
47. is compassionate
48. loves acting goofy
52. is there for me when I most need him

53. has goals, and achieves them
54. supports my goals
55. is my best friend
69. understands my past

70. understands my need for independence
71. i want him to try to spoil me (though Ill refuse 2 let him!)
72. can keep up with my shopping abilities
73. likes to travel
89. loves me for me, and nothing more

90. isn’t lazy
91. can cook
92. knows how to do laundry
93. knows how to iron
94. is independent of his parents
95. handles conflicts with maturity
96. treats his mom right
98. has a magnetic personality that makes me LOVE him

That is a pretty good list. Man just when I thought I was close because I was clever and had a good sense of humor. I am way off. Back to the drawing board. WTF I just used that saying last night. Now I am not even clever. How am I getting worse on the what do girls want lists. Also why did they not have- "can pick out sweet furniture better then I can" on the list? Maybe because that sounds gay. Man! The one thing I am good at, maybe I will check that off as talent. Hot girls be warned now, I will be checking off this master list I will make and once I get 75% I will send it checked off in the mail with a yes or no on in and you can send it back to me letting me know how I am doing, if you think I am date able now. I got to get on it now. Lets start at the top kindness-

"My you look pretty today, let me get the door for you my dear" (Tip of the hat)

Kindness- check
onto number 2

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