Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hocus Pocus

Saturday night, all kinds of Halloween parties and I am at home watching football and hocus pocus on ABC family. As you can see ABC family is really a go to for me. Plus is shows re-runs of old America's funniest videos which if you know me, you know how much I love an old person falling. I am not as much on the nut shots more on anything with an old person. I could watch that show for hours and always laugh. Did you know Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker came out in 1993? Shut up no you didn't. I hate when you act like you know everything.

I was planning on after work really slowed down which it is not slowing down like I hoped. I mean don't these customers know I need my Chris time. Don't they know I have other things I want to do. That I am not some loser without a life. Well they don't know, but soon enough I will get back to it. But I was planning on working out but my arm has been messed up for the last week. I am hoping it's not too bad just like a slight tear or strain. I tried to make a dumb sliding grab in the softball game last week trying to make the highlight reel and landed on my arm hard when it was extended out. People said it looked sweet but not only did I get hurt but I didn't even make the grab. It bounced and hit my glove so so much for that. I can move my arm it's just the strength is not there. Hopefully another week and it will be alright. So I will have to push the working out back a few weeks until its good to go. But, like I said before I was planning a diet so I will give you a day of my diet. I know your thinking it's gonna be peach tea or soda and chicken nuggets but it's better then that for you, even though that is what I would like to eat.

Meal 1
2 eggs (whole)
cup of milk

Meal 2
slice of bread
olive oil (1 tbsp)

Meal 3
1 6oz chicken breast
1 cup white rice
1 tbsp ranch (sweet- you know I could not not eat this)

meal 4
8 oz ff yogurt

meal 5
1 scoop protein

meal 6
2 scoop protein
2 white bread
peanut butter

meal 7
dinner- I may cheat here sometimes but try to get chicken breast and vegatables

meal 8
8 oz yogurt
1/2 cup almond

There it is. Not the most appetizing diet and I am sure I will cheat a little bit which is fine because I am already in pretty good shape but if I stick pretty close with it, I will be in way better shape because I am not happy with where I am at right now. I will make more meal plans that way I don't get sick of it and I will eat out from time to time because my family loves to eat out so. This won't start for a few weeks until I know I have the time I can time really stick to it.

I told you I would update you on writing that girl on Facebook. Well thanks for being a good friend and allowing me to. She ignored me again. Haha no she didn't because I wasn't dumb enough to say anything. And you all would have just let me say something to her. Thanks! I was coming up with something about a mustache and Halloween which last she would have cracked up at a year ago but I doubt it now. Sure I would love to talk to her, I miss talking to her. Everyone has people that they just connect with and talk really well with and that was what it was like for me. I don't think it was the same with her or else she has a weird way of showing it. That is all it was. Fine she has a boyfriend- she doesn't want to talk and she has made that obvious so why the F should I continue to make a fool of myself trying. It is not going to help anything, and it will only get on her nerves in the end. I hope one day she gets beyond all of what she is going through and we can talk because it is all on her, and not just say hey how are you doing blah blah blah because that is not how we talked, not even from the beginning it was way more interesting then that I even told her she looked good in a picture ( you couldn't make her face out-zing, it was actually Halloween because I think I called it creepy pumpkin picture- or I thought it haha.) She actually could keep up with me as far as zings go. Don't get me wrong I wiped the floor with her but she tried haha. I guess coming on here and saying I was gonna write something gave me time to think about it and realize the mistake I was going to make. I guess every time I am about to do something I should write it on here and then a day later realize it's a dumb idea. Alright well I have to go watch hocus pocus. Maybe I will be inspired to write more tonight since I took the last few days off.

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