Monday, February 22, 2010

About you

When I went back over these blogs, I realized that is seems like I am talking about someone in particular. Well I am. But the thing is that person has never read this blog I am 100% sure about that, and I am 99% sure that person never will read the blog. So if you are reading this and have read it, that means I am not talking about you except for right now, because I am talking about all of you right now. You all with the big egos thinking I have been talking about you before this.

Man what the F am I talking about?

Imagine if that person that I am talking about somehow does stumble onto my blog one day two years from now and is like oh this seems like it could be about me but because he says "if I am reading this then it's not me" when really it is about that person. Hmm so confusing. Anyway so it is clear, I would bet my can't hardly wait dvd that person won't read it ever, but I still won't say the name just in case and also I like to have a little bit of mystery. But to your readers, don't you worry the things I say are not about you. I know, sorry to disappoint. Unless you are that person and then they are about you- but I know your not so.

And if you are that person I'm talking about- Everyone this is private between me and that person who I think should know it is them. So you guys don't need to read the rest. If you read it then you must think I am talking about you but I am pretty sure I am not so don't read further.

So if you are reading this part you are that person then. So whats up. It has been a long while huh? Anyway I hate small talk but I will get that dvd to you as soon as I can. And also what the F are you doing reading this blog? How do you even know I have a blog? Also I hope you like Jennifer Love Hewitt in the movie as much as I do. Because she is hot in that movie. Also look for Jason Segal in it like in a bit part, what am I saying I haven't even given you the movie yet, so I will just write this stuff down for you when I give you the movie rather then doing it over a blog I didn't know you knew I had. What the F?

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